Agibank reports net income of R$430.1 million in 2023 and ROE of 33.8%





With a credit portfolio close to R$16 billion, the Bank has demonstrated outstanding performance, with average growth 5x the market pace and high profitability in the last three Years


CAMPINAS, Brazil, Feb. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — 2023 was another year of record growth for Agibank. The Company achieved a net income of R$430.1 million, which represents an increase of 325.5% compared to 2022. Total revenue reached R$5.1 billion, an increase of 50.7% when compared to 2022.

In the last quarter of 2023 alone, net income reached R$145.5 million and operating result R$193.3 million, an increase of 5.7% and 14.2% compared to the previous quarter, respectively. In the year, operating income reached R$606.0 million, an increase of 372.8% compared to last year.

“It was a very positive year for Agibank, in which we were able to see the results of a very well designed and implemented strategy. We are the neobank that is disrupting the traditional …

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