Ticking Time Bomb: Over 85% Of Americans Fear National Debt Crisis Impact On Their Future



Over 85% of Americans are deeply concerned about the grave impact the burgeoning national debt may have on their future, according to a new study.

What Happened: A survey from John Zogby Strategies for the non-profit organization Main Street Economics gauged the awareness and apprehensions of some 1,000 voters. The findings come at a time when the U.S. government faces a potential shutdown if lawmakers can’t agree on a spending package.

The findings underscore a widespread anxiety that transcends current economic conditions, projecting a troubled outlook for the years ahead.

About 59% of the respondents feel that Washington’s policymakers are making insufficient efforts to tackle the debt crisis. Many of these respondents are significantly more inclined to call for action, driven by their awareness that:

A prolonged default on the national debt could trigger a harsh recession, eliminate eight million jobs, contract the economy by more than …

Full story available on Benzinga.com