Scientific Systems’ Software Autonomously Demonstrates Space and Air Assets for U.S. Army RCCTO ARTIST Program



Provides the Army the capability to sense, decide, and act with superior speed and scale across the battlespace

WOBURN, Mass., Feb. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Scientific Systems, a leader and pioneer in intelligent autonomous systems, has demonstrated autonomous, peer-to-peer, collaboration and orchestration of commercial satellites and uncrewed aerial systems (UAS), to include closed-loop control of all associated multidomain sensors, and exploitation services. The demonstration supported the Army Responsive Tactical ISR Technology (ARTIST) program. The ARTIST contract was awarded by the U.S. Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO). The ultimate potential of ARTIST software technology is providing the Army with the capability to sense, decide, and act with superior speed and scale across the battlespace.

Scientific Systems demonstrated how autonomy can increase warfighter battlefield situational awareness through a dynamic network of multi-domain collaborative platforms. In this instantiation, a dismounted tactical user in the middle of an operationally relevant scenario used a smart tablet, running the Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK) software suite, to request and receive time-critical and actionable battlefield …

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